What Should Consider

2022/01/08 16:39

Pressure Compensation

The amount of pressure that flows through a drip irrigation system can fluctuate, depending on hose length and garden bed elevation, among other factors. This can cause emitters to flow differently than designed, with more or less water flow depending on pressure.

To combat this, the best drip irrigation system emitters are pressure compensating by design. They’ll emit the same amount of water regardless of the pressure at their inlet (where they attach to the main hose). They provide consistent watering conditions and ensure that all plants along the system stay watered.


You might not consider a filter important for your drip system—until you get a clog in your 1/4-inch tubing. Water systems often contain sediment, dirt, or even scaling from metal pipes, all of which can result in obstructions that limit water flow.An in-line screen filter protects your system from these pressure-blocking particles. They install at the hose faucet and catch obstructions before they can make it into the system. If you notice water flow starting to reduce throughout your system, it’s a safe bet that you need to remove the screen and clean it out.