Lrrigation evaluation of upside Down Micro-spray And Rotary Micro-spray

2021/10/21 13:44

Performance characteristics:

The structure design is reasonable, when the water pressure is small, it can also irrigate

It is suitable for irrigation of fruit tree, shrub nursery, narrow lawn and other crops, irrigation and cooling of greenhouse crops

The rotary sprinkler sprays in rain form

The spraying diameter is 6m

Common overall performance trends:

The structure layout is cheap, whilst the water strain is small, it can also irrigate

It is appropriate for irrigation of fruit tree, shrub nursery, narrow garden and special flora, irrigation and cooling of greenhouse plants

The rotary sprinkler sprays in rain shape.

The spraying diameter is 6m.

Irrigation evaluation programs must use standardizedevaluation techniques, and the programs require strictquality control measures.

The average field DU,a values for drip and microspraysystems that have, been observed are quite high - greaterthan 0.8, on the average.

The two primary recommendations for farmers to obtainand maintain systems of high uniformity are: A.) the

Customer should review the Irrigation Consumer Bill ofRights (ICBR) with a dealer before purchasing a systemand; B.) excellent maintenance is important.

The two primary components of non-uniformity are: A)"other causes," which include manufacturing variation,plugging and wear. The individual emitter design willinfluence how easily it plugs and wears, but goodmaintenance is critical and; B) pressure variations.