How to use water and fertilizer integration

2021/07/06 10:01

1. Establish a drip irrigation system first. The length and depth of the pipeline system should be designed according to basic conditions such as topography, soil texture, crop planting conditions, and water sources. So that the integration of water and fertilizer can play the greatest efficiency.

2. The fertilization system should be designed for quantitative fertilization in the field, including the location, capacity, outlet, fertilization pipeline, distributor valve, water pump and fertilizer pump of the reservoir and fertilizer pool.

3. The type of fertilizer should be selected according to the crops, which requires strong water solubility and few impurities to avoid clogging the pipeline.

4. In the operation of irrigation and fertilization, the dissolution and uniformity of the fertilizer are first important, and the second is to control the amount of fertilizer, control the dosage, and make full use of the fertilizer.