How to Choose a Pressure Compensation Dripper?

2021/08/19 11:06

Compared with the dripper, the most obvious feature of the pressure-compensated dripper is:

1. The pressure compensation dripper can make the elastic silicone sheet change the section of the water outlet with the help of water conservancy pressure, automatically adjust the flow rate, and make the water output uniform;

2. The pressure compensation performance is strong, and the automatic control water dispenser is the best choice. It is especially suitable for undulating terrain, unbalanced system pressure and need to increase capillary.

How to choose a pressure compensation dripper?

1. On the slope, drippers with different positions of the same capillary are prone to uneven flow. Therefore, when the capillary position has a slope and the dripper is scattered, pressure-compensated drippers should be used.

2. The type of crop can determine whether the dripper uses built-in drip irrigation tube or dripper. If it is a crop with short plants and dense plants, you can choose a built-in drip irrigation tape drip irrigation tube with fixed dripper spacing. If it is irregular cultivation of fruit trees, etc. For crops, you can choose to use the pressure-compensated dripper on the tube, and the distance between the drippers depends on the distance between the plants.  

3. The properties of the soil determine the flow rate of the pressure-compensated dripper. When the soil is highly sandy, the vertical infiltration of water will be fast, resulting in a small wetted horizontal radius. Then the dripper with a large flow rate should be selected.

Advantages of dripper in drip irrigation system:

1. Integration of fertilizer and water, saving labor, water and fertilizer

Drip irrigation is known as "one of the most water-saving irrigation technologies". The drip irrigation system only irrigates the roots of crops and does not produce ground runoff. Moreover, by injecting fertilizer into the water, the effect of fertilizer can be fully utilized and the utilization rate of fertilizer can be improved.

2. Reduce the probability of disease occurrence

Drip irrigation has a small amount of water, and the amount of water that evaporates into the air is very small. It can effectively control the humidity in the shed, reduce the probability of disease occurrence, and increase the yield and quality of fruits.

3. It can be applied to a variety of terrains

Drip irrigation has a very strong adaptability, can be applied to a variety of terrain and soil, and drip irrigation, can reduce the occurrence of weeds, soil compaction, and reduce cultivating and weeding.