Applicable conditions and technical points of water and fertilizer integrated machine

2021/07/06 09:50

1. Applicable conditions

The water and fertilizer integrated machine fertilization system is mainly suitable for facility agricultural cultivation, orchard cultivation, cotton and other field economic crop cultivation, as well as other crops with better economic benefits. It is suitable for promotion and application in areas where there are wells, reservoirs, storage tanks and other fixed water sources, and the water quality is good, meets the requirements of micro-irrigation, and has built or has conditions to build micro-irrigation facilities.

2. Technical points

Water and fertilizer integrated machine fertilization system is an irrigation and fertilizer application system that integrates water source, terrain, planting area, and crop types. It can also be used for protected field cultivation, open field melon and vegetable planting, and field economic crop cultivation. Fertilizer equipment and pressure differential type are generally selected for protection of fertilization devices. Fertilizer tank or fertilizer injection pump. Orchards generally choose the micro-spray fertilization system, the fertilization device generally chooses the fertilizer injection pump, and the intelligent irrigation and fertilization machine system can be selected where conditions permit.